Summer tea party 2023
We provide volunteer drivers for hospital and doctors appointments as well as social meetings for residents, or to help residents attend local clubs and societies

Recommendation from a past user of the service
I would like to express my thanks for the service I received from the Good Neighbours Scheme. I was severely restricted after major surgery and subsequent recovery period. After my operation I was unable to drive for many months. I needed many follow up appointments at various hospitals and visits to the doctors. Many weeks I needed transport two or three times a week.
This is when I found out about the Good Neighbour Scheme. They provided me with all my transportation requirements for a nominal fee. I never missed an appointment or was late at any time.
The scheme is a great asset to the Community and run by a friendly group of volunteers.
Paul Dunham
Good Neighbours groups are there for people in the local community when there is no one else they can call upon to help.
Each group is self-organised, volunteer-led and run.
They play a key role in providing
personal transport in local communities
social contact to reduce loneliness and isolation
practical support at a time of need
How does it work?
Volunteers do simple tasks responding to personal requests from local people.
A request is matched to a person who is able to help by a group’s coordinator.
The Ivers Good Neighbours Scheme offers a specific service for getting people to health appointments, either at the hospital or the local doctors surgery, or by transport to local coffee mornings, lunch clubs, social meetings and more.
At a meeting promoted by Bucks County Council in January 2017 it was agreed by those present that a trial scheme should be set up in Iver covering Iver Village, Iver Heath and Richings Park.
Initially it concentrated on the problems that many people face in getting to doctor’s appointments at the Iver Village Clinic, The Iver Heath Clinic, the Aysgarth surgery, and the Denham Clinic. This has now expanded to offering trips to local and far-off hospitals as well. It can also cover transport to local clubs such as CAMEO, the Iver Golden Oldies etc.
To this end a group of volunteer owner-drivers were recruited along with a couple of co-ordinators who would run the “back office” aspect of the scheme. Each driver would have to commit to one or two hours per week and slightly more than that for a co-ordination role which would be shared.
Training is necessary and is provided.
Vehicle running costs at a no-profit sum are also reimbursed, additional expenses such as coffees can also be claimed.
The scheme is funded by occasional charitable donations, contributions from clients and local grants.
No profit is made and all money raised goes back into the scheme.
We are always looking for ways to improve our service and help more people in need. We are currently working on expanding our volunteer driver programme to reach more hospitals and clinics in our area and to ensure that as many people who need the scheme can contact us.
If you would like to be a volunteer driver, please contact us on the Good Neighbours number 01753 358101 or by filling in the contact form below.
if you would like more information, please use the contact form below, or fill in our Member Registration form and return it to us by email to gns@theivers.org.uk
or call us on the above number and we will send out the form with a stamped envelope to return it